Presentation of work in
10th Meeting on the Estrado Brasil Network
Held in September last year, the 10th Meeting of the Estrado Brasil Network discussed autonomy of teaching work: paths for its political-pedagogical organization
Last year, on September 21, I presented the work "The time is now. The political engagement of the education trade union movement in the negotiation process with the Minas Gerais government", submitted to axis 3, Teacher Training: policies and processes. On the occasion, I made a brief approach to the negotiation process of the trade union movement in Education, through the work of the Single Union of Education Workers of Minas Gerais (Sind-UTE/MG) with the Minas Gerais Government, during the year 2018 until the year current, whose context is of States without money to honor their commitments, alleging a drop in tax collection caused by the slowdown in the economy. The article, in addition of other works presented by several researchers in Brazil, can be accessed in the Annals of the Event of the Estrado Brasil Network, through the link:
The Latin American Network for Studies on Teaching Work (Rede Estrado), created at the end of 1999, promotes biennial meetings in the participating countries aimed at disseminating and consolidating studies and research on teaching work. In addition to this central objective, the Estrado Network provides an exchange between researchers dedicated to discussions about current transformations concerning teaching work in its multiple dimensions and approaches, seeking to strengthen spaces for integration and collective debate between universities, unions and professional associations and scientific. The meetings have resulted in important proposals for public policies aimed at teaching work and education in general at local, regional and national levels. The Network, following its tradition of debate, held the 10th Rede Estrado Brasil Meeting, in Recife, on September 19, 20 and 21, 2019 with the theme Autonomy of teaching work: paths for its political-pedagogical organization.The 10th Meeting Rede Estrado Brasil took place simultaneously with the Latin American Days of struggle in defense of public, free, secular, democratic and emancipatory schools. The Journeys is an initiative of Rede Estrado in partnership with the International Education for Latin America (IEAL) which, since 2017, has been organized on Paulo Freire's birthday, September 19, in the Latin American and Caribbean region. Our tribute to the Patron of Brazilian education is an expression of our commitment to pedagogical practice as a liberating praxis in this historical moment in which we witness a great regression fueled by social, political, economic, cultural and educational events that culminate in the option of a political project of economic austerity, the destitution of democratic spaces, the increase in poverty and unemployment, the censorship of culture and the work of teachers in schools and universities in the country. students and members of social movements interested in discussing other alternatives of struggle for the current moment experienced by public education in Brazil. A moment in which it is urgent to gather strength, reaffirm values and believe in another possible future. The 10th Meeting of the Estrado Brasil Network pointed out that, despite the adversities and the apparent lack of perspectives, we, the workers and teachers, continue to fight for human rights and freedom in schools and universities in this country, irrigating societies with the learning of democracy. The information is from the Estrado Network.